
我的书城网 > 西雅图夜未眠 > 法院文件-反驳他出庭前的恶毒诡辩


15)MAY 14, called 16 times, sent 6 messages, a 4 emails to both his personal and w email address that day.(See Exhibit 40)

16)MAY 15, called 24 times, sent 42 messages, a 2 emails to both his personal and w email address that day. She wanted financial pensation, asking him to answer her calls and messages.(See Exhibit 40)

17)MAY 15, she emailed and messaged (tool similar to Zoom-- Chime) at least 10 of his managers and coworkers. She is saying that he is a sexual fraud. She tells them: you are sexual fraud, your behaviors harmed her and Amazon, she wants an apology, she wants loss made up. See the email in Exhibit 8 (page 13).

Response from Respo:

1)Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 2 point 6, 10

2)I only sent 1 email to 5 receipts, plus petitioner himself, withe the same request as on 04/27/2023, fearing that Kang Dai may further defame my reputation, and due to his threats on April 24, 2023 and those online defamation which caused my severe fear, I believed that Kang Dai’s employer as ral third party, should have the authority to make an internal iigation and reveal the truth. Because he said his colleagues all knew already, and his supervisors are ese, and in ese culture, manger and employee manage such topic privately and peacefully. I did not report him to the police as I was hoping to resolve the problems privately and peacefully with Kang Dai. Amazon HR and his surpervisor replied and promised will take care of it.(See Exhibit 45, 31)

3)I didn’t say“you are sexual fraud”- didn’t find this in email.

4)“your behaviors harmed her”- yes, his behavior harmed me, he hurts me deeply emotionally due to his deception and manipulation in the past 7 years. He hurts me deeply physically due to he had sex with me in my period on 02/10/2023, which caused me physical pain lasted till now. His behaviors caused me may not to have child any more.

18)MAY 16,

a.She called 2 times, sent 6 messages

b.She created a Chime chatting room, named is as“DaiKang-Sexual Fraud”, invited his managers into the room.

Response from Respo:

1)Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 3 point 17”

2)I wondered why he didn’t reply me after read my message, I also wondered if that is his Chime at. So on 05/16/2023, I invited a chatroom with name“DK”. But he stayed in the chatroom. I sent 1 message:“Dai Kang, please don’t avoid the problem.” On 05/17/2023, I added“his managers” to the chatroom. He still didn’t leave the chatroom, or ask me not to do so. I sent 3 messages in chatroom. The chatroom name is still“DK”. On 05/18/2023, I sent a few messages. The name of the chatroom was still“DK”. I don’t remember from what exact time I ged o“DaiKang-Sexual Fraud” for a few minutes. In total I sent 10 messages with 2 sshots. After I received and uood the prote order. I removed everyone from the chatroom, and didn’t tact him again.(See Exhibit 40, 47, 31)

3) His manger replied.(See Exhibit 47 last sshot)

c.Attempted to ect to his work email address, sent spam calls to the pany's Chime at, and attempted to disrupt his work.

Response from Respo:

1)Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 3 point 17

2) He“off work 2 months”- how to disrupt his work?

19)MAY 16, she threatened him on her social media, stating,“I need pensation”,“If you don't answer me or e to see me, I will try all means to find people who might know you.“

Response from Respo:

1)Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 1 point 5, d

2)Two“May 16”, ao one

3) No evidence of“threaten”, no iion of“threaten”, this is defamation. See how petitiohreatened me (See Exhibit 31)

4)I didn’t say“if you don’t e to see me”, I didn’t say“I will try all means”. This is plete wrong and misleading translation from ese to English.

5)“I need pensation”, because Petitioner promised me on 04/24/2023, that I“could bring any demand to him” due to his 7 years lies and hurting to me.(See Exhibit 31)

20)MAY 17,

a.Called 2 times, sent 18 messages

b.Sent 10 messages in Chime chatting room. Said same stuff as emails and abused him.

Response from Respo:

Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 3 point 17

21)May 18, called 4 times, sent 22 messages. See all the calls & message motioned above in Exhibit 9 (page 14).

Response from Respo:

1)Repeat this again as mentiohis in“Page 3 point 17

2)See Exhibit 40 for preheatistics

22)May 18, the Anti-harassment Prote Order was delivered to her.

Response from Respo:

1)On May 18, 2023, iernoon, I received a text message from a police officer, mentioning a civil prote order but did not include any tent of the order. At that time, I did not know the meaning of a prote order. I replied police at 5:09PM police about the nature of prote order.

2)And after spending whole evening on it, I still didn’t fully uand it, due to my limited experien Amerione experience of law, and language barrier. Police replied me day but without answering my questions about the order.(See Exhibit 48, 49)

3)Therefore, day on May 19, 2023, I called polie to my home to help me uand what is prote order and what I should do. I invited police to check my phone and laptop. Two police officers firmed that I didn’t violate the order.(See Exhibit 50)

4)After that, I didn’t tact petitioner any more, as I also didn’t want to tact.

23)May 18, she started to VIOLATE the order and disregard the court dots in several ways.

Response from Respo:

1)I didn’t violate the order. On May 19, 2023, I called polie to my home to help me uand what is prote order and what I should do. I invited police to check my phone and laptop. Two police officers firmed that I didn’t violate the order.(See Exhibit 50)

Refuting Page 5 Line 20:

24)Respo admitted to creating a post titled “Move on“ and claiming to stop. However, it is important to hat the Respo included a Google Drive link in that post, which was used to expose the Petitioner's private audio recs. This a clearly demonstrates that the Respo did not actually move on but instead started the harassment.

See Exhibit 10 (page 43).

Response from Respo:

1)Here the statement and“Exhibit 10 (page 43) are totally different stuff. Evidence doesn’t support statement at all.

2)Statemeed again as already repeated in page 1, 6), a; in page 2, 13), please refer to previous response.

3)On 04/24/2023, after I was informed that petitioner lied to me“from beginning to end” in the past 7 years, after he threatened me in various ways, after he used me again, after he promised to“tinuously apologize to me and listen to my demands”, after he chose not to fullfill his promise to my either demand“call to apologize” or“pensation”, from 04/24/2023 to 05/01/2023, it iook me such a LONG time to MOVE ON, and I still failed to MOVE ON! I so wished that I moved on within ONE DAY on 04/24/2023!

4)I so want to move on, but petitioner dragged me to legal matters, me move on!

5)Why don’t petitioner move on?

6)Any one help me move on quickly? I even prayed fod to help me move on on 04/24/2023.(See Exhibit 51)

7)“started harassment”- not true

8)On 04/24/2023, after Petitioner called me, I didn’t record the call in the beginning. After he threatened me with his death at around 3AM, which made me very scared. Unknown i users reminded me to record the call as evideo protect myself. So I recorded to protect myself. His call was full of blames, threats, leis, begging and manipulation. At that time, I didn’t know that I need his authorization to record, I was too scared and exhausted and just wao protect myself. One who hears the call will know how he deceived me, blamed me, threatened me and manipulated me, will uand the eter. However, until I hired attorney, I learhat I need opposing party’s authority to record the call in WA. At that time, I just wao protect myself. I never experiehis in my life.

9)The call/versation/voice is not private, because when he called me, he was in a hospital - a public place, and there were third parties speaking, for example, his wife spoke with me and helped him lie, there ass-by’s voices and horn sound.

10)Anyone who see this post is not able to listen to it, as it’s just a google link, a very long and plicated link. The versation is saved in private google link.

11)The purpose of the link is to defend myself from tless disgusting defamation on me, as unknown i users suggested those defamation from Petitioner, Petitioner’s wife or their friends.(See Exhibit 25, 26)

12)I told petitioner about the defamation, but he ig.

13)To protect Petitioner’s privacy, I removed the part that includes/could disclose Petitioner’s personal information including his herefore, it’s only about 1.5 hours, not 3 or 4 hours as he called me.(Petitioook sexual photo of me without my knowledge and sent!)

14)The link doesn’t work well. Another link is blank.(See Exhibit 27)

15)The google link of our versation worked at around noon time on 05/01/2023, a few hours later, I set the permission to private, so no one listen to it, as I wao move on. I also deleted it later.(See Exhibit 28)

Page 4

Refuting Page 9 Line 4:

25)Respo lied about her violation of the prote order. She said before she was served, she made a post expressing her fusion, shock, and pain. However, in her posts, she was questioning why Petitioarted the prote ainst her, which means she obviously got the prote order before the post’s timestamp but still violated them 5 times.

Response from Respo:

1)Repeated again as already repeated in page 3, 23)

2)I didn’t violate order.(See Exhibit 48, 49, 51)

3)I didn’t lie. I didn’t say“She said before she was served, she made a post“, this is this reader’s iional wrong uanding by pig part of the inal tent, just like how reflected in other accusations and“evidence”. In the file of“response”, inal words are“After Being Served of the Temporary Prote Order, she Has

Never Knowingly or Willfully Violated the Order.”“all of her attempts to tact Petitioner were made before she was served of the order and knew of the tent and meaning of the order.”

a.tag him via WeChat message

(See respoo 15-23, see Exhibit 48,49,51)

b.tag him via Chime message

(See respoo 15-23, see Exhibit 48,49,51)

tag the third-parties (Mr Dai’s managers) that might know him

(See respoo 15-23, see Exhibit 48,49,51)

d.Posting the Order and court dots on her social media (Little Red Book, then encing people to engage in new i violend doxing against Mr. Dai

Response from Respo:

1)No evidence of“encing people to engage in new i violend doxing against Mr. Dai”, already repeated in the paragraph above. No evidence for this. Please refer to the tent of my post.(See your own evideny Exhibit 53.)

2)Post does not include his personal information. Instead, I even marked his information to protect his privacy.

3)The post was before I fully uood what is prote order.

4)The dot is publient.

5)I fully respected to court as I attended hearing on site every time, while petitioner aioner’s attortended online every time and doesn’t want to show face to judge.

e.Creating a post on .1point3acres., asking him why he applied for a prote ainst her.

See Exhibit 11 (page 50).

Response from Respo:

1)Here the statement and“Exhibit 11 (page 50) are totally different stuff. Evidence doesn’t support statement at all.

2)About the post on point3acres.. I didn’t mean to“ask him”, I meant to ask myself, ask God, due to everything I suffered from him. See tent.(See Exhibit 54)

3)The post didn’t include his personal information.

4)The post was before I fully uood what is prote order.

5)On the same day, at night, I requested the website to delete my post, but not able to do it due to website police -“post will not delete if the post doesn’t tain personal information”. I eveed my own post, and asked people to help me report my post, so it be closed.(See Exhibit 55)

Refuting Page 12 Line 23:

26)Respo lied about her posts. She said she did not mention any name or provide aioner’s personal information nage i violence against Petitioner. However, the fact is:

a.She posted two google drive links and two baidu drive links with the Petitioner private information including the name initials and voice record, resulted in 38,480 views and 77 ents. See Exhibit 12 (page 51).

Response from Respo:

1)Repeated again as repeated in page 2, 13), a, b; in page 3, 24)

2)The link doesn’t include his name or personal information. Evidence doesn’t support.

3)No evidence of“eer violence against Petitioner”. This is defamation on me.

4)The purpose of the link is to defend myself from tless disgusting defamation on me, as unknown i users suggested those defamation from Petitioner, Petitioner’s wife or their friends.(See Exhibit 25, 26)

5)To protect Petitioner’s privacy, I removed the part that includes/could disclose Petitioner’s personal information including his herefore, it’s only about 1.5 hours, not 3 or 4 hours as he called me.(Petitioook sexual photo of me without my knowledge and sent!)

6)The call/versation/voice is not private, because when he called me, he was in a hospital, and there were third parties speaking, for example, his wife spoke with me and helped him lie, there ass-by’s voices and horn sound.

7)The google link doesn’t work well. Another link is blank.(See Exhibit 27)

8)The google link of our versation ublished at around noon time on 05/01/2023, a few hours later, I set the permission to private, so no one listen to it, as I wao move on. I also deleted it later.(See Exhibit 28)

9)Two baidu links are blank, and could not open.(See Exhibit 56)

10)Therefore,“resulted in” is not true.

Refuting Page 13 Line 1:

27)Respo lied about her live streaming as. She dehese behaviors and said there is no evidence prove the tent of live stream nor could prove it ever took place. The fact is that:

a.The live stream lasted for 1 hours 45 minutes.

b.Later she also uploaded the record of the livestream to her social media. Mr. Dai have the full record of the live stream. See Exhibit 13(page 52).

Response from Respo:

1)Same point, repeated 6 times.

2)I didn’t try to livestream. I just tried to use Himalaya to vert voito text, as Himalaya is the only tool I know that could vert voito text. While trying this fun, it was automatically uploaded/“published” before lunch time on 05/18/2023, while I didn’t know. You check with Himalaya about this fun. After I saw it“published”, I immediately deleted it. I deleted before I received the prote order. I have no post/tent on Himalaya.(See Exhibit 57)

3)I returhe rec to petitioner already.

4)Petitioner’s evidence showed that he also recorded my voice without my authorization.

Page 5

Refuting Page 13 Line 1:

28)Respo said there is no evidence for hate or threat. However, see below evidence:

a.I, she said 12 times“I hate you”.

Response from Respo:

1)Please refer to entire versation on 04/24/2023, especially petitioner’s death threats.(See Exhibit 31)

2)On 03/22/2023, due to I suggested breakup, and due to uments, Petitioner said“I hate you” to me. I also said it back. After that, petitioill discussed how to improve our relationship. On 03/26/2023, he said“I tried all means to recover our relationship, and you pushed me away again and again.” On 03/28/2023, he said“I woke up this m thinking how to improve relationship with you” So please ask petitioner what“I hate you” means to him.(See Exhibit 58)

b.For the threat, she said

i.“I will get to the major forums and platforms to expose your name directly if I want”

Response from Respo:

1)Where is the evidence?

2)I didn’t say it.

3)Show the plete tent. Translate correctly from ese to English.

ii.“If you don't answer me or e to see me, I will try all means to find people who might know you“

Response from Respo:

1)Repeated again as already repeated in 5) d, 19)

2)I didn’t say“if you don’t e to see me” or“try all means”, this is iional wrong translation from ese to English to mislead.

c.“Your subscribers will be ied in your privacy.” See Exhibit 14 (page 53).

Response from Respo:

1)“Exhibit 14 on page 53 doesn’t reflect statement at all.

2)I assume you mean the last sshot on your Exhibit 3, if so, the translation of ese means” Pplease solve the problem well, your followers came to tact me and ask about your personal life.”(and I didn’t reply to their question.)

Refuting Page 14 Line 1:

a.Respo said she posted her love story only once, however, she posted more than 30 times titled with love story 1– 26, with at least two separate ats. See Exhibit 15 (page 54).

Response from Respo:

1)“once” means one tinuous time, as Little Red Book doesn’t allow me to post all text in one post, so I had to post in multiple times. I had 25 posts with tent. Post 26 has no tent. Please stop iional misuanding.

2)Because my first at was frozen, so I had to use sed at.

3)It’s my freedom to use my social media ats to write my story, and it’s anonymous story, with good iion to protect parties’ privacy.

Refuting Page 17 Line 14:

29)Respo denied her Stalking or Cyberstalkiioner. See the Exhibit 3 (page 9).

Response from Respo:

1)Exhibit 3 on page 9 doesn’t show that I“stalk” or“cyberstalking” petitioner.

2)Petitioner cyber stalked me with secret ats on social media.(See Exhibit 59)

3)Petitioner sent his followers to cyber stalk me.

4)Petitioner sent his followers to cyber stalk me.

5)Petitioner used to send me hundreds of messages a day. Petitioner sent me over 700 messages on Skype a on January 3, 2023; about 200 mesages on March 22, 2023; over 1300 messages in three days from March 26 to March 28, 2023.

Refuting Page 19 Line 20:

30)Respohink there is o issue a full ive she have posted titled“Move on” on May 1, 2023. However, she still didn’t stop the harassment as and escalated it after May 14, she even violated the temporary prote order 5 times. So, the Full Order is still required to protect the petitioner and his family.

Response from Respo:

1)Excuse me, you want to decide for me when I move on? Do you pay my medical and therapy cost to help me move on? Have you been deceived and manipulated and hurt for 7 years? Have you been threatened with death? Have you suffered severe depression, ay and PTSD? Due to petitioner’s behaviors, I may not be able to have child any more!

2)As here you agreed that my post on 05/01/2023 is about“Move On”, why you questio move on? What is the logic?

3)“Post”,“May 14”,“order”, Repeat the same points again and again.

4)“harassment” is defamation on me.

5)I didn’t violate the order.(See Exhibit 50)

6)On 05/01/2023, police told petitiohat my post has no threats. On 05/15/2023, police told petitioner he block my phone. However, he manipulated me, police, court and judge for his purpose of private revenge.

7)Due to all evidence I provided, a full Domestic Violend anti-harassment Order is required to protect me.
