
我的书城网 > 部落冲突之黑店传奇 > 7.有幸接触 榜单作者

7.有幸接触 榜单作者

“hi bro“

“hi Domi, I am leader of Heidian“

“ man?“

“You the author of TWC?“

“Yep, you want in?“

& I do not know how?“

“Great,I will help you, and would you plz send your board and the war log, I will check first“

“just a min“


“You know, it`s very iing”


“I notionths ago, maybe after the match with Ares. They show me the result.I think your , Heidian will be a new bubble one. So I put the Result and your Board on my Twitter, hive me any response.“

“lol, we er“

“I see, but if you want to ihe audia give their opinions. whatever yes or no.But they keep quiet. So I have to delay the bubble update. Until last week, the Dohe result with you. Then I ask my Twitter again, still no answers. So I think I should find the leader of Heidian aake sure they really in the rank.“

“What a ce! I am here now“

& is very iing. And now I ask you again, do you wahe arraches for you?“

“Who will be the oppo?“

“It yohe rank, But if you thirong enough I will give you the Red one.“

“And what is the size?“

“8-10 TH11 in size 40, and 6-8 TH11 i are TH9. No TH10, no others smaller than TH9. You know this is the rules of TWC.“

“Of course. I will give you aer a small discuss with my crew“

“Sure, see you around“.
