
我的书城网 > 我在美漫世界有一个商店 > 第134章 经济与物流(2)

第134章 经济与物流(2)




“If the state 't afford to pay wages, humahe bottom, middle and high levels will have flicts because of this, f a struggle, and laying the groundwork for the war caused by hatred of life ah.“


“ la produ salariale des habita est supérieure à celle des salaires exportés, si bieock salarial est positif et que les habitants vivront bien, mais que le pays risque de sombrer dans une crise de réserves de capitaux en raison de l'insuffisance des flux financiers, ce qui leur permet de mener une vie meilleure.”

“If the rodu of the try's residents is higher tha of wages, then the wage reserve is positive, as will live well. But in this way, the try will fall into the crisis of capital ste because of the lack of capital cir, but the residents will live a better life.“


“If the rodu of the try's residents is lower tha of wages, then the wage reserve is ive. Because the residents are al...

